Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Good Piece of Your Life

Jim Bouton's famous baseball quote, well famous to me anyway, says "You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball and in the end it turns it was the other way around all the time." I have spent years agreeing with this quote, feeling as though I live by it, being in awe of the wisdom. Lately though, as I get closer to God, the more I strengthen my relationship with Him, the farther I feel from everything else, the farther I feel from things I was once in love with, the farther from baseball and softball I feel. I also blame (in a great way) Donald Miller from Searching For God Knows What, but also, I have come to see that baseball and softball just don't match up to God. I am closer to Him and farther from everything else. And it is ok. I think it is very good. I think God has a lot to say to me, and I am finally ready to listen. So I wanted to share with the world the "Christian" version of this quote that I (what I believe God may be saying through me) have come up with:

You spend a good piece of your life asking God why and in the end it turns it was the other way around all the time.

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