Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Perfect Man

Maybe it is because my mom and I just watched The Perfect Man, maybe it is because in the movie Hilary Duff's character was blogging, maybe it is because I am getting used to writing almost everyday, but here are some thoughts about The Perfect Man.

At any given time girls will be talking, thinking, worrying, fretting, over-analyzing, loving, hating, falling hard for boys. Experiences with boys seem to be some of the most important experiences that girls, young women, women have. Boys make and break our hearts on a regular-roller-coaster-basis, and we keep going back, getting in line for another ride. We keep searching for him.

I like Disney, the channel, the music, the shows. And I pay attention to the words, the story lines, the songs and what messages are being sent out to kids young and old (or my age). And Aly and AJ, Hannah Montana, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Disney kids have a million songs about boys, or the Jonas Brothers with girls. There is that usual sad, frustrated, lonely, upset tone or voice for a lot if not all of them.
"I loved you. You messed up. Now go away. No wait come back. No go away. But I miss you."
This is what girls experience. This is what we as people experience, and it is what all of us long to hear, about relationships, about girls, about boys. We are so very curious about love, aren't we? The perfect woman, the perfect man. It is what we long for. Love. To be known and loved anyway, right Donald Miller? But my question is why?

For women is it because we are of man and we feel incomplete without being with him or of him, or we find ourselves in him? Is he the piece that we can feel is missing? Could be. For some I think it is. For most though I can tell you there will still feel like something is missing even if you do find The Perfect Man.

I think it is because there is an emptiness that only one Person of the Threefold can fill. I know He, They, fill me up. I can lie on my floor at night with all the lights off in my room and I picture I am in a meadow with grass for a pillow, surrounded by forest and mountains and blanketed with stars. I close my eyes, picture THE PERFECT MAN lying next to me and we just get lost in the balls of fire shooting across the night.

With Him by my side at night, in the morning when I go for drives to be with Christ, when the Sun rises and there are clouds that light up and maybe snow capped mountains that light up, or it is cold and I have my Starbucks in hand, blaring a cd of emotional choice, I am full. That missing piece is sitting next to me, paintbrush in His hand continuing the living paintings before my eyes, or the eyes of my imagination. What if the missing piece isn't a man somewhere out there in this world, but Christ?

What if your heart and your soul would never feel lonely ever again? What if there was the Perfect Man and you knew for sure He would never hurt you, there would be no roller-coaster, life would just be, forever would just be, lying in the meadow watching suns rise and set, blanketed under stars, your heart protected by walls of forest and mountain. Clean air. No city lights. Just love lighting up your life. Perfect Love for forever.

Why would you search for the "brurred photo" when you could have the real thing? (To Own A Dragon). Who is the man that you think will complete you? He may come close, and he may show you things about love you hadn't known, hadn't experienced yet, but there is even more for you. There is even more love out there, in the sky, in the clouds, in snow and rain, in the stars, in the mountains, in the sunrises, in the sunsets, in forests of aspen or pine, in grassy meadows and rivers and oceans. There is more and He is waiting to for you to accept it. To accept His love. Will you accept the Perfect Man into your life and let Him fill you up, today, every day, for forever?

"Leave me o' love which reachest bust to dust" -Sir Philip Sydney

Perhaps also we should listen to Paul a little bit in connection to these thoughts:
1 Corinthians 7:32-35

Here are some more thoughts I have perfectly according to His plan happily stumbled upon some time later, this time from Donald Miller's Searching For God Knows What (and perhaps this is what we are searching for), in talking about the story of Jesus and the Samaritan women at the well found in John Chapter 4 (and pages 135-137):

Then Jesus, a Jew, asks her for water, for a drink and she can't believe it. He talks to her about if she only knew who she was talking to she would ask Him for water. It has nothing to do with Samaritan or Jew, and everything to do with Him being the Messiah, about Him having living water.
"She responds sarcastically, 'I would like to have some of that water because I wouldn't have to keep coming out here to this well!' (see v. 15).

And then Christ walks directly past the barriers around this woman's heart as if He had been destined to live in and warm those cold chambers. 'Go, call your husband, and come here,' He says to her (v. 16).

The text indicates Christ knows full well the woman has had five husbands and is now living with a man to whom she is not married. The interesting nature of Christ's words is that they correct a misunderstanding. The woman had assumed the living water Christ talked about was like the liquid in the well, but instead, Christ redirects her immediately to a thirst of a different sort: this desire to be known and loved anyway...

He appeals to the desire of her heart, pointing out the dehumanizing cycle of her life that has driven her through relationship after relationship, none of which gave her lasting fulfillment. In a sense, this woman was looking for importance and love through a man, and Jesus walks up and says what you really need is God, what I have is living water; if you drink of it, you will never thirst again. It is interesting to me that He offers Himself to the deepest need of man, not a religion, not a formula, but Himself. He offers to her a relationship that is more than romantic, more than a balm for her heart."
He offers Himself. Now will we come to Him and drink deep, that is the question. I have told you what you are thirsting for, I have here THE PERFECT MAN, will you have Him, and will you drink Him up and never thirst again?

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