Friday, December 21, 2007

Love Me Back

So I am reading Romeo and Juliet to work on one of my relations with Christ, the Bride to Bridegroom relationship because Juliet can be a Bard's Christ figure. And I got to thinking, to connecting thoughts. I am still working on it, but here are some of the thoughts.

We all have dreams, things, or goals that we love. Someone may love their dream job, playing the guitar, singing, sports, gardening, video games, whatever. I mean we really love them, ya know? I love TV for example and reading. We show the things we love, love. But here's the thing, we aren't in love, the thing and I aren't in love. Sports can't love me back like a person can. TV can't love me back like a person can. I show TV a lot of love, but we aren't in love. It can't love me back.

Take that with Sexy Carrots in mind. Take that with green lights, with Daisy, in mind. Take that with Rosaline, whom Romeo shows so much love for, in mind. None of these things, or girls loved those who loved them back. Wouldn't it make much more sense to love something or someone who loves you back, only then can you be in love instead of just showing love, instead of being the only one who loves.

This just made so much more sense to me, to be in love you have to have someone who loves you back. Christ loves me back. God loves me back. They are things to chase, because they truly love me. As beings who are like people in that they can love, and love perfectly, that is someone priceless to chase for the rest of my life, this life, so I can be with them in the next. To be with someone who loves me back for forever. How horrible to not know love. To not be loved back. Gatsby kills himself over it.

Immediately Romeo loves Juliet. I mean immediately!
"Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here!
Is Rosaline, that thou dist love so dear,
So soon forsaken? ...
Art thou changed?"
And Romeo wonders to the Friar why he is being scolded for loving Rosaline, and the Friar wisely responds with,
"For doting, not for loving, pupil of mine."
Doting: to show love, not to be in love.
"Thy love did read by rote, that could not spell."
Meaning something like he was reciting loving things from his memory, not from experience, not from a book of love (their relationship); he wasn't reading as he saw it, as he experienced. He had been using iambic pentameter, that we are used to from Shakespeare, when talking of Rosaline, but he uses free verse, love flowing freely from his heart, when talking of Juliet. The difference between loving someone who doesn't love you back, and being in love. The difference between showing someone love and being in love with someone.

Romeo says he has already forgotten Rosaline's name, the name that means woe. He is changed. And so am I. I am trying to forget the Rosaline's in my life, the Green Lights, the Daisy's, the Sexy Carrots, all the things I chased for so long, all the things I loved but couldn't love me back, and focus on being in love with someone who loves me back. Christ loves me back. Make sure you are chasing something or someone who can and does love you back! Take those vows with Christ.

RUN TO HIM and He will welcome you with open loving arms. What Green Light (Daisy), or Sexy Carrot, or Rosaline of yours can or will do that? Don't you want to be loved back?

(Romeo and Juliet, Act. 2 Scene 3)

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